I’ve been accused before of over-posting, and commenting on a McDonald’s isn’t going to sway any opinions to the contrary. But to the contrary, you may well need to know about this. Because you can go to McDonald’s across from Yodobashi Camera in Akiba, buy a soda, go upstairs, and look out the window at […]
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Tsujita Ramen, Yaesu (二代目つじた、八重洲)

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Or just go on to the next entry, because I’ve certainly told you this one before. The metaphoric you, you understand. Tsujita is one of my favorite ramens and I don’t like to miss a chance to eat there. Fortunately they’ve opened a new branch right near […]
Debailleul Chocolates, Marunouchi

How did this excape notice? I mean, it certainly didn’t excape my notice as a chocolate destination. I used to stop in of an afternoon when I was bored at work in the UrbanNet building around the corner, or after a rousing lunch under the railroad tracks. But somehow it excaped blogular detailment. Debailleul occupies […]
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Junk Garage, Tokyo (ジャンクガレッジ)

Years, I’ve wanted to try this place. Years. About the same length of time since they moved from southern Tokyo to a location way out in the Saitama suburbs (Omiya). Now they’ve brought the magic to Tokyo. Look at the skull-and-crossbones-with-ears pig logo. When I say they’ve brought the magic, I really think they’ve done […]
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Kit Kat, Tokyo

Look, when I’m stressed, I eat more and worse. What about you? Another bad thing is that the powerful crush of salty ramen tends to make me crave sweet things even more than usual. Couple that with a display of unique Kit Kat flavors in the basement while I was walking back from Shichisai, and […]
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Shichisai ramen, Tokyo (麺や 七彩)

The Tokyo Ramen Street re-open is a major improvement, and well worth the wait. Before, the options were frankly uninspiring (except Rokurinsha, and that was so inspiring that there are always 30 people in line and it’s impossible for a regular working guy to get in at lunch). Now they’ve got Honda (ramendb’s 2011 #1 […]
Towers Beer Bar, Tokyo

How many times have I walked by Towers? A dozen, maybe more. Most people wouldn’t walk from the office to Ginza, but it’s only 20-30 minutes depending on what part of Ginza, and I always do it. Towers is right in the middle, and I thought it looked cool even before my friends mentioned this […]
- izakaya
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Higashitei, Tokyo (東亭, 八重洲)

This alley has a certain draw for me, and hopefully for you too. Since the time I wandered into a place here with Ding (in fact, the sign you see in the top right of the shot is that place), I’ve been wondering if there were other places of equal quaintness and quality. There may […]
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Sanuki Chaya Udon, Tokyo (讃岐茶屋 八重洲店)

Sometimes I go on about how much you can get done in an hour when you work somewhere as convenient as Otemachi, but this is really it – for today’s lunch, in 45 minutes I walked through Tokyo station, bought train vouchers (from a ticket shop, major routes are 7-8% cheaper as long as it’s non-holiday […]
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Umauma ramen, Tokyo (うま馬)

Sorry, I was with a colleague (You) and forgot to get a picture of the exterior. This is tucked into a corner of Tokyo Station’s Kitchen Street, so you should be able to find it without much trouble. Not that I’m advocating finding it, I’m just saying. Didn’t even realize it’s Hakata ramen until we […]