Y’all are not going to get any modesty from me regarding my ability to pick places to eat. Someone and I had business to conduct with the gods, or at least the one god who lives at Suitengu, and thus we planned a whole event around it. As regards the lunch portion, I delivered handily. […]
- Other treats
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Kawaji, Hamacho (大衆料理 川治)

When you say ‘simple’ or ‘humble’, this is what I would think of. Not in a hundred years would it have occurred to me to go to this place if I passed it on a random walk, but through a complex chain of events, here we are. Actually the name implies “cookin’ for reggler folks”, […]
- izakaya
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Konomi, Ningyocho (日本酒と肴の味見バー 嗜)

What do you like? Would you describe that as your 嗜? No, you wouldn’t because no one knows that kanji. I hope I forget it. It would only be the latest in a series of eating- and drinking-related kanji that I learned when I should have been learning…I dunno, kanji that every 3rd grader would […]
- bistro
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Chez Andre du Sacre Coeur, Ningyocho (シェ・アンドレ・ドゥ・サクレクーレ)

Chez Andre, or Chez to his friends, has been making homey bistro fare ever since immigrating from his native Bangladesh following the poultry riots of ’89. He’s managed to put together a long-standing restaurant that captures a little bit of the magic of the Sacre Coeur, which is a Bangladeshi ritual involving chicken hearts and […]
- izakaya
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Fuki, Ningyocho (地酒と趣肴 風貴)

Well, we didn’t have that much luck at Kyowa, but it was early. Walking around left us in from of Fuki, which I had previously noticed as having some of that thar sakay stuff. Initially we were impressed by the seriousness of the master, who was sitting near the cash register working on a laptop. […]
- izakaya
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Kyowa, Ningyocho (活魚料理 京和)

Marketing, my friends, is a bitch. I saw this place a bunch of times and was attracted to the modest exterior and the legend “Tai-shu Kappo”, which I interpret to mean “Classy cookin’ for reg’lar folks”. Things were a little too regular when someone and I got in, to wit just one other table eating […]
Kajima Liquors, Ningyocho (加島酒店)

As foreigners, and especially as foreigners with an interest in ‘deep’ Japanese culture, we get cut a lotta slack. We get to go to some of the weirdest, localest little places you can imagine, and people are by and large nice. Or better. Now that I mention it, they’re usually welcoming, interested, and friendly. It’s […]
- bistro
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Brasserie But, Ningyocho (ビュットブラッスリー)

What what? Brasserie But. Really they want you to say ‘Butte’, like ‘a solitary hill‘ (yes, ideally populated with cabarets and a winery), but when they write ‘but’, my inner 5 year old can’t help but wiggle. Funny exterior, isn’t it? It’s a-way off on the east side of Ningyocho, near that street that’s divided […]
Shukuzu, Ningyocho (酒喰洲)

For a sizable segment of the Japanese population, the definition of ‘heaven’ would be ‘cheap drinks and cheaper fish’. Quality doesn’t necessarily enter into it, and standing up is fine too. So if you can offer decent produce across the board like Shukuzu, that’s a winner. Standing isn’t really my thing, but I was here […]
- izakaya
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Sasashin, Ningyocho (笹新)

Right in the middle of Amazake Yokocho is Sasashin. While I’ve seen it before, I was never that clear what they do – it’s not explained that well from the outside, nor that welcoming. Actually, it’s not that welcoming inside either; very atmospheric, but a little dirty and desperate By way of illustration, here’s the […]