The style and food at the now-departed Les Enfants Terrible in Juban were both good; didn’t you always wonder what the main shop was like? Wonder no longer. It’s s stylish place, pitched a bit to appeal to stylish women, but with food good enough to keep anyone happy. And terrines. The point here is […]
- coffee
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No. 8 Bear Pond espresso, Shibuya

You’ll notice right away, because you’re clever people, that this sign doesn’t say ‘Bear Pond’. It says ‘ON THE CORNER’ (although if I’m giving you credit for observatorial powers, you prolly knew that awready too). This is because Shimo Kitazawa’s famous and fairly fabulous espresso maniacal genius at Bear Pond has a branch shop in […]
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La Rochelle, Minami Aoyama

The happy couple. Big Bird and I are discussing wedding venues as our Thursday-romantic-lunch series continues, and La Rochelle bills its chapel as Tokyo’s Most Romantic. Not many restaurants have chapels at all, of course, so it’s awfully convenient. Also convenient is being expected, and they were nice enough to thank us for our coming. […]
- izakaya
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Gochi, Shibuya (ごち)

Yooooooshta. It’s official. I have now been to all of the good sake places in Tokyo. Think you know another? Nope. Not good. This is the last one. Boo-yah! Good, I’m glad we could all agree on that. Shibuya at night. Not really night. I love love love summer because you can leave the office […]
- Italian
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Tharros, Shibuya (タロス 渋谷・中目黒)

The original of this post was lost in The Great Blogger Crash of Last Week, wherein they rolled back a day-and-a-half of edits. It wasn’t that good in the first place, so little harm done. Years ago, I used to read Tokyo Calendar all the time. It’s a dangerous habit – the restaurants are mostly […]
- Italian
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Biodinamico, Shibuya

Between drinking beers at Craftheads and eating dinner at the exclusive, highly-regarded Biodinamico, we stopped off at this hip bike shop to look at their vintage and rebuilt fixed gear specimens. Only after a while did we realize that it’s actually a design firm, and we were kinda standing in their lobby while they tried […]
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Craftheads, Shibuya

It’s likely that most of you need no introduction to Craftheads. In the limited time that I spent there, a good 50% of the clientele was foreign (which is 50% more than most places I go, or in fact the average place in Japan). You may even have been there. If you do need an […]
Ikebe Guitar Station, Shibuya (池部楽器店 ギターズステーション)

As part of my regular diversionary series, I’d like to say “I went to a great guitar store today.” [And I can say that, because this place is awesome. You thought I was leading up to a snide remark, didn’t you?]. The Ikebe complex in Shibuya is cool – more for sampling and playing the […]
- izakaya
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Rokuzou, Shibuya (居酒屋六蔵)

[Jan 2011: Just had a thought that ‘Rokuzou’ could be interpreted as “Let’s Roku!” in Japanese, and that could be interpreted as a katakana version of “Let’s Rock!” in English. And I liked that thought.] Shibuya at the end of the night. It’s not often that I need a sanjikai destination at those times; usually […]
- beer
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American, Shibuya

‘Tis the season, folks, and nothing says FESTIVE to me like a baby plastic tree in the stony lobby of a Shibuya-crossing mid-rise! Our merry crew was practically chorusing in the aisles as ve valtzed to the elevators for round 2 of this forget-the-year party. But hell, it got even better when we got upstairs! American […]